Wednesday 23 October 2013

Leave me alone.

Had to share this. Not sure if many will feel the way I felt. Not sure if this is an Aspie thing.

The other day I was at my in-laws place. The kids woke up late and had their glass of  milk much later than usual. When we came down, the father-in-law asked the kids if  they hadn't had their breakfast. I thought it was obvious they didn't have their breakfast, so the question it self was not necessary in the first place. The kids chose to ignore the question and keep themselves busy with something that was really important to them. So the next question was directed at me. "Did they have their breakfast or not?". I replied in a loud and clear voice that they had their glass of milk just then and it would be another half an hour to forty five minutes before they had their breakfast.

A couple of minutes later, my mother-in-law sat down for her breakfast and reminded me that the kids hadn't had breakfast and asked why they didn't have it till then. Under normal conditions, my mother-in-law has very sharp ears, I could talk in the upstairs bedroom with the door locked and she could hear it in the downstairs bedroom. Well, though not exactly to that extent, she matches up to something like that anyway. We don't live in Buckingham palace, it is a small, teeny weeny three bed house, so she clearly heard my reply to my father-in-law, but still had to ask/remind me. At this stage the irritation was setting in. I've fed my kids for the past 6 years and I know their routing better than anyone else. I don't think I will forget feeding them breakfast.

A few minutes later my sister-in-law has to walk in and ask the kids if they were not hungry. At this stage I was ready to hit anyone that talked about food. I told her clearly that I handle the kids food and I know when to give them breakfast and not to talk about food anymore.

Guess what, the next day, my sister-in-law had to do the same thing again and ask the kids if they were not hungry.... grrrrrrrrrr...... please leave me alone.

Don't mistake me, I love my sister-in-law, but can't take the fact that she does the exact same thing I ask her not to do.

I feel as though they don't trust me to do my work properly and they have to oversee what I am doing and set about ten reminders so I will do my work on time. This seems to upset me a lot.

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